
This is the range of Retail businesses specific to New Zealand that is provided by Core List. This segment represent some of the most common business types that operate retail businesses.  It contains each stores Registered Business Name, their phone number, location and some emails, fax, website and other details. It is designed to make contact either in person, by phone or sometimes email with these stores throughout NZ. Each of these products below are accessible by clicking on the below links. They can be obtained 24 hours a day and 365 days of the year.

The types of businesses that form our Retail category are both chain stores and one off and boutique store ventures. What we define as a Retail Business for this category is a business that will sell a one off product indiscriminately to any person off the street. The person is a consumer or end user of the product.

The listed categories have been organised into specific groups of the most common Retail businesses. If you wish to get in contact with the retailers listed from all of areas in New Zealand, you can be assured our directories cover all regions and towns that the retails stores operate in. We cover all cities in NZ and all of the 16 of the Regions are covered.

The Retail business lists are available for use to post letters directly to them, telephone prospects and research. The information is presented as a effective way to expand the customer database you may have or to start building one if you do not.

Select the below titles for more details and access: