
Below are lists which have the contact information for New Zealand Hospitality businesses, each separate list is available from our website and is accessible on any day of  the year or any time of day.

The types of businesses in this Hospitality category are entities that provide food, accommodation or entertainment venues or services to end users. You will get an idea below of the types of businesses, such as Cafes, restaurants, Hotels, Clubs and so on.

With these databases they have been sorted into quite specific types of business operators each one covers all of NZ. These cover businesses in all islands and regions of NZ and city centres such as Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington. 

These industry specific lists are commonly used for telemarketing campaigns, mailing lists and research purposes. They are compiles for convenience to be able to expand on or even start a database of Hospitality Business across this vast country also known as 'Aotearoa' 

For more details click on any image below: